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Our Philosophy

At MillPro Metal Works, our entire company, from the executive suite to the shop floor, is laser-focused on quality. For us, quality is not a department or just one employee’s job. It is the foundation upon which our corporate culture is built. We do everything possible to ensure that every part that you receive is the part you ordered… the first time, every time.


We understand that defect-free shipments start with a quality plan specifically tailored to every part we make and the dedication of whatever resources are required to implement that plan. This includes:


  • Infusing quality into every aspect of our company and culture

  • Investing in metrology equipment

  • Providing ongoing training

  • Meticulous project management

  • Establishing & monitoring quality metrics that are important to you

  • Conducting regular quality audits

  • Always doing what we say we do

  • Tracking & reducing the cost of poor quality


Standards and Certifications

MillPro’s goal is to provide defect-free products to its customers the first time and every time. To do so we continually improve our processes and systems. Our quality system is ISO-compliant and our quality policy manual and procedures are regularly reviewed by our customers. We are currently in the final stages of becoming an ISO certified company and we work hard to not only meet, but exceed ISO standards.


Elements of our quality program that ensure control of your production activity include:


  • Full PPAP Capability

  • Print Revision Control

  • Control of Non-Conforming Product

  • Corrective Actions

  • Final Inspections and Documentation

  • In-Process Inspection Documents

  • Gage Calibration

  • Customer Complaint Response System

  • Material and Lot Control

  • Supplier Control

  • Receiving Inspections

  • Cost of Quality Reporting

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